Our Services
IV Therapy
Myers Mixture
The Myers mixture IV blend helps to improve energy, strengthen muscle, boost immunity and aids the body in cellular repair.
Hangover Mixture
This IV mix included lactated ringers for maximum rehydration while also replenishing nutrients and electrolytes.
Energy Mixture
This IV Mixture helps to improves physical energy, aids the body in cellular repair, improves cellular function and boost immunity.
Simple Hydration
A normal saline IV drip to deliver basic fluid for optimum balance.
Optional IV Additives
Additional Vitamins
Lipo B
A lipotropic injection for promoting weight loss. Also helps to boosts energy, metabolism and mood.
A lipotropic injection for promoting weight loss. Also helps to preserve lean muscle and boost metabolism.
Vitamin B12
B12 injections aid in supporting brain function, improving energy levels, boosting metabolism and mood.
A special blend of LipoC, B12, B Complex and vitamin C. The ultimate vitality restoring blend
Botox and other fillers available
Connect with us for details on availability for botox and fillers.